Ear Protection For Shooting Enthusiasts

Tactical Hearing For Hunters Ear Protection And Hearing Enhancement

We know finding the right ear protection for shooting is not easy. At TACTICAL HEARING, we care about your hearing safety. Our line of EAR-Pro will solve your problems and get the results you need.

You will become a better shot knowing the muzzle blast will not cause you to flinch, or damage your ears.

Tactical Hearing For Hunters Ear Protection And Hearing Enhancement

Shooting Trap? TACTICAL HEARING is perfect for trap shooters. You will clearly hear the release of the trap while also hearing the range commands.

The shooter’s hearing protection products offered from TACTICAL HEARING are of the highest quality and made from the most advanced digital technology available.


"I shot in a 270 shot pistol match yesterday with them on the number 4 setting. They worked great. I was able to hear the commands clearly and the units made the 17 guns going off all at once very comfortable." – Dave Salyer, SC



"I pulled off I-15 and fired a .380 ACP, then a CAR 15 (.223). The sound reduction was outstanding. I am very happy with my purchase." Ben B. California

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